- Ideas have been reversed so now the most recent are on top.
Our ideas:
- Faith kick Sgt. Cruiz's butt! -Nicholen
- Bosco leave or dump, the Sgt. -Ashley, Bosco's #1 fan (seriously)
- Bosco to reunite with Nicole
-Ashley, Bosco's #1 fan (seriously)
- I would like to see more Bosco, his hide feelings and a love story between him and Faith!
-Miss Bosco
- Do like the soap operas and BRING BOBBY BACK TO LIFE!!!!!!!! Bobby has been in a coma for a year and they realize they said Bobby had died but it was actually someone else. Then him and Kim make up and decide to get married and at the wedding, Bobby beats Jimmy up for being such a putz.
-Bring Back Back
- I wanna see Sgt. Cruz totally screw Boscoe over because he needs a good dose of his own medicine. Then Faith can step in and help him pick up the pieces as they realize they have more feelings for each other than what they're letting on to. Faith is too good for Fred so she leaves his sorry butt and her and Bosco live happily ever after and have lots of mini-me's. I also would like to see some really HOT chick fall hard for Sully -Bring Bobby Back
- Sully has been through so much lately. He should find another woman (with a
nicer past), get married again, have a couple kids, and live happily. Also,
Carlos needs to stop being his own worst enemy -Sierra
- I'd like to know how they spend their day/s off. They never seem to have any -Sierra
- Ty's mom be brought in for good and have her and Sully get together. -Thirdwatchluver
- I would like to see Kim and Bosco get together. The sparks would fly... plus Jimmy hates Bosco -Thirdwatchluver
- I think that there should be more of Alex & Ty, and I also need more Jimmy! -Jamie
- I would like to see Sullivan get divorced to Tatiana and just live by himself for a while. -Sorrow
- More of Ty Davis Jr. -Jaz
- Jimmy And Brook get back together -Jen
- The show needs to be on more than once a week (it just isn't enough!) and we need to see more of JIMMY! - Jill
- Tatianna and Sully get together and live happily ever after, they don't make her a bad person, they have kids and get married. -Elicia and Brigida
- We would like to see Kim and Ty get together to help her snap out of her depression. -Elicia and Brigida
- Carlos figures out that all his hostility is because he's gay, he comes out of the closet. -Elicia and Brigida
- Bosco likes the idea that Carlos is gay and hits on him just to experiment. -Elicia and Brigida
Bosco starts dating a girl that's really nice and Faith thinks she's great, but she's tough enough to smack Bosco upside the head when he starts acting stupid. -Jessica
- Bosco goes on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire and thinks
he's hot stuff but screws it up. -Sullydude
- Jimmy beats Bosco up for being so annoying in the
first season. -Sullydude
- Sullivan gets promoted to Captain. -Sullydude
- Srg. Christopher comes back and is nice to everyone
but Bosco. -Sullydude
- Bosco gets sick of girls and decides to become gay and
hits on Jimmy. -Sullydude
- Kim stops complaining and does something with her
life. -Sullydude
- Carlos gets included in things at the firestation. -Sullydude
- Fred decides to become a cop. -Sullydude
- Bosco realized that Sullivan's "problem solving"
strategy is the right way to go so he starts respected
Sullivan. -Sullydude
- Carlos gets deported [just kidding on that one :)] -Sullydude
- Bosco gets hit in the head with basketball and loses
his memory. -Sullydude
- Bosco almost runs over the captain in his police car. -Sullydude
- It would be really nice to see Doc get married and be happy! -Denise
- I think Bosco should be promoted to ESU, but then get tierd of it and go back
to squad - Doughboy
- Now that Bobby has left the show, Kim needs another good friend! -Denise
- Bobby should miraculously come back from the dead! -Nicholen
- Bobby's character was a great asset on 'Third Watch' and should not have been killed during mid-season. -Denise
- I would like to see them all be happy for once. I understand the stress and
the personal things they go through cause I'm a lieutenant on a rescue squad
and a firefighter and my girlfriend is on the rescue squad with me and the
stuff they go through is very real to me especially the stress and personal
stuff -Cobra
- Well, at this point I'd like to see Bobby come back....how could they kill
him off!!! -Patty B.
- I'd like to see Ty find a nice girl, and we need to see A LOT more of
Jimmy!!! -Patty B.
- I want to see Bobby Back!!! -Megs
- I would like to see Jimmy use more integrity in his dealings with others. As a fireman, his character should not be portrayed as being so dishonest. -Denise
- I would like to see Bobby to take a stand and not let everyone wallk all over
him. I would like to see Jimmy to get a taste of his own medcine. -Shawn
- For Bosco and Faith to start having feelings for each other..but each of them
cant/wont say anything. lots of tension there. -Cuffs
- I want to see more of Jimmy (Eddie Cibrian). I'd like to see him and Kim work it out for the sake of Joey. -Suzanne
- I would like to see Bosco get a girl who is just as tough as he is. They would constantly challenge one another. -Blade
- Has Sully not been dumped on enough? If not with Tatiana then with some
one else. He deserves to be happy. Also Bosco needs a nice girl, and not
the girl that answered the door in Duty. -Sherie
- Sully and Tatiana to continue their relationship and be happy together -Denise
- Bobby to find a girl friend that is as nice a person as he is -Denise
- Bosco find a nice girl to date for a change! -Nicholen
- Kim not having to date every guy she meets! -Nicholen
- Faith actually feel bad about having an abortion -Nicholen
Please send me your ideas on what YOU would like to see. E-mail me at
and please include the name you would like me to list along with your comment.